The creative writing assignments are usually assigned to different levels of education disciplines such as high school, college, and universities.
The norm I choose to violate in my norm violation assignment is eating with my mouth wide open and producing sounds as I chew. Eating with your mouth open and producing sound is considered deviant behavior I decided to break this norm in one of the restaurants in Minnesota. After the church service, I went to the restaurant with some of my friends from the church youth group for a meal ensuring that I did not inform them of my assignment. Ensuring that I was the only person knowing about the assignment was the best way to receive the most genuine reaction from my friends. The moment I arrived the restaurant I immediately notice a number of social norms being followed by every customer at the restaurant. They were all well groomed, eating appropriately. Everyone eating at the restaurant had a napkin on their lap and ate using silverware. The moment we walked the restaurant we had already broken some minor folkways since we were all dressed like college students. The impressio...
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